The fly agaric is the most famous mushroom. Since childhood, we meet it in books and cartoons, admire the bright red cap with ornate white spots and hear the incessant: "It is poisonous". But over time, people's ideas about a variety of things have undergone changes. The fly agaric is no exception. The latest research shows that:
The fly agaric is not poisonous.
It has beneficial properties.
After heat treatment, the mushroom loses its toxicity but retains its health benefits.
Even our ideas about the color of the fly agaric are not true. The caps can be both red, and yellow, white, green and brown colors. This depends on the type of mushroom, they are several at the fly agaric. All of them are united under the common Latin name Amanita, to which the name of a particular species is added. For example, the most famous red mushroom is called Amanita muscaria, and the panther mushroom is called Amanita pantherina.
The fly mushroom got its name from the fact that since ancient times it has been used to repel flies, as well as gnats, mosquitoes and other insects. The beautiful mushroom on a thin stalk was generally available. The areal of its distribution includes almost the entire territory of our country, except for the southernmost, dry regions. Meet this mushroom can be found in all places in the world with a humid and not very hot climate. Fly mushrooms rarely grow by themselves. Usually, they form a mycorrhiza (mutually beneficial alliance) with deciduous and coniferous trees. 

Although the color of the fly agaric repels most animals, some animals will eat Amanitae without harm. Such animals include squirrels. Some species of slugs also like to snack on the juicy cap. Large animals occasionally also consume fly agaric to get rid of parasites. The negative effect on the body of, for example, a bear, is much less than on the parasites in its intestines.

Danger of fly agaric to humans

The unkind fame of Amanitae is brought by ibotenic acid. It is she who has toxic properties that cause the death of nerve cells. This process is accompanied by symptoms of poisoning (nausea, vomiting), as well as delirium and hallucinations.
However, with heat treatment, ibotenic acid is converted to another chemical compound: muscimol. Muscimol, in small amounts, can clear the mind, reduce signs of depression, and improve sleep.
Only raw fly agaricides are thus dangerous. Unfortunately, violation of the temperature regime leads to the loss of useful qualities of muscimol, and its overdose is also capable of causing hallucinations.
Therefore, the safest way to use fly agaric for medicinal purposes is to buy the extract from trusted suppliers. Such an extract is prepared by following the temperature regime and other requirements. The dosage is also much easier to calculate.

Chemical composition of the fly agaric

The concentration of components in fly agaric depends on the species, habitat and even the season.
However, in all Amanitae are found:

A toxin that excites the muscarinic receptors of cells in various organs. Concentrations are so low that toxic properties are not manifested in any way.

Possesses hallucinogenic, paralyzing, and hypertensive properties. For a psychedelic effect, a minimum of 2 mg of the substance is needed. This is approximately 7-10 caps of raw mushrooms. In low doses, it replaces serotonin deficiency, helping to reduce symptoms of PTSD and depression.
Ibotenic acid

Hallucinogen that can lead to so-called excitotoxicity: neuronal death accompanied by severe agitation, delirium, and hallucinations. When dried, it undergoes structural changes and transforms into the main component of the fly agaric: muscimol.


An amino acid close in composition to gamma-aminobutyric acid. It plays a huge role in the production of dopamine, serotonin and increased mental activity. By accumulating at the neurons of the substantia nigra, it increases the production of dopamine with a cumulative effect. Muscimol has similar properties to GABA (GABA). It helps relaxation, relieves tension, improves falling asleep and improves sleep quality. It has a mild antidepressant effect.
Muscimol is also capable of expanding the mind. It gives the opportunity to rethink the situation, find a non-standard solution, consider the problem from a different angle. Small doses can stimulate creative thinking, increase creativity.
An overabundance of muscimol causes nausea, vomiting, changes in taste and odor, delusional, obsessive thoughts.

Poisoning, its symptoms and consequences

Consumption of fly agaric in raw or boiled form without draining the decoction, or uncontrolled intake of powder leads to poisoning, but almost never ends in death.
Symptoms appear 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingestion. The effects are usually associated with CNS disturbances. Stimulation and excitement alternate with depression. May be observed:
Alterations in visual and auditory perception.
Distortion of space and lack of awareness of time
Disorders of coordination
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Tachycardia, bradycardia, and hypertension may also occur.
Manifestations last from 8 to 24 hours and usually pass without physical effects. However, fly agaric overdose can have a trigger effect on people with unstable psyches. Cases of schizophrenia and psychosis developing after Amanita poisoning have been described.
Therefore, the safest way to consume fly agaric is by microdosing (fly dosing). A small amount of extract retains all the positive qualities of mushrooms, but has no toxic effects. For people with mental disorders, it is better to refuse from fly mushrooming.

First aid

Treatment of overdose of fly agaric should take place in a hospital. When symptoms appear, it is necessary to call an ambulance, give the patient any absorbent (activated charcoal, polysorb). A large amount of fluid (preferably plain water) will help to remove toxins faster. Do not be frightened by vomiting. So the body cleanses the stomach. In the hospital, the patient is given lavage and symptomatic treatment.


Is fly agaric microdosing dangerous?

"Everything is poison and everything is medicine," wrote Paracelsus. 500 years later, his words are still relevant. What changes life for the better in some people can lead to undesirable consequences in others.
Therefore, before you start microdosing, you should familiarize yourself with the side effects, possible adverse effects and consequences of taking fly agaric.
Do not start the course during the exacerbation of chronic diseases, infections
Gradually increase the dosage, strictly monitoring the reaction
Reduce the dose if negative effects are observed
Discontinue use if symptoms do not decrease
Take breaks between courses


Can microdosing form psychological dependence?

The effect of microdoses of fly agaric on humans has not been specifically studied. However, feedback from thousands of people who regularly take fly agaric extract indicates a positive effect.
Microdosing of fly agaric does not lead to physical addiction. Withdrawal from the extract does not cause withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal).
Psychological dependence is also not confirmed in any way. The desire of a person to repeat the course, which made his life brighter, helped to cope with insomnia or loss of strength, can not be considered addiction. Undoubtedly, official scientific research on this topic is needed, but for now it is better to weigh all the pros and cons and make a decision specifically for yourself.



The fly agaric is a conditionally poisonous mushroom. After certain manipulations (cooking, drying), its toxic properties come to naught. Fly mushrooms can be eaten, but we recommend not to do this. It is easy to violate the technology, and to what consequences this can lead, it is unknown.
The safest way to consume the mushroom is in the form of an extract. In proven producers, the technological chain is worked out to the smallest detail. Mushrooms are collected away from industrial facilities. Drying with strict compliance with the temperature regime. Packed in capsules with the optimal dosage.

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