■ Amanita Muscaria is deemed illegal in the state of Louisiana. Products containing Amanita Muscaria must not be shipped to the state of Louisiana.
■ When you place an order, the system estimates shipping and delivery dates for you based on the shipping options you choose.
■ Please allow 1-2 business days for your order to be confirmed, processed, packed, and prepared to be handed off to the carrier. No modifications or cancellations are possible once an order number is attached to your order. You will receive a shipping confirmation email as soon as tracking information is available.
■ All orders placed before 5pm PST Monday-Friday will be shipped the next day of receipt. If an order is placed on a weekend, it will be fulfilled Monday.
■ We ship to all 50 U.S. states and follow the standard methods available by USPS & UPS. Standart USPS/UPS 6-8 business days.
■ We currently do not ship to APO or FPO address. Orders that contain a different shipping address from billing address may be subject to review, in which case the customer will be contacted. This can delay shipping time. We cannot guarantee same day expedited shipping when an order is placed on hold for review.
■ Tax rate is based on the shipping address and not the billing address.
■ Once your orders ships, you will receive a shipping confirmation email. Please allow 24 hours for tracking info to update
■ Should your package be reported as delivered, but you did not receive your package, please contact your USPS or UPS carrier for further investigation. Once a package leaves our facility, we are unable to control its transit within the USPS or UPS systems. We are not liable for package damage, loss, theft, or carrier errors in delivery.
In the U.S. USPS observes the following holidays:
- New Year's Day
- MLK Jr. Day
- Washington's Birthday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veteran's Day
- Thanksgiving
- Observance of Christmas
■ We gladly accept returns caused by our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.) and will issue a refund. Notify us within 7 days of receipt of goods.
■ You may return new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. If the sticker is torn or removed, the product is considered opened and is not eligible for return.
■ If you have initiated the return after the 30-day period has passed, you will not be eligible for a refund.
■ If we have not received your return within 30-days, you will not be eligible for a refund.